Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today, I walked to the library. I always get strange looks, but today was special, me singing Man Man choruses out loud, playing the keyboard parts in the air, with the gusto required for Man Man.
But I got strange looks. I wish it was a busier sort of route, because I might get more.
The library, at least the branch I go to, seems to be the hang-out for those who don't have internet or computers of their own. And they have the worst public manners.
I must have browsed the whole biography/autobiography section, because I got a crick in my neck. They also had the smallest Stephen King collection I've ever seen at a library, and it's a pretty fair-sized library. Only about 6 books of his, none of his most famous.
On the way home, there was a tree branch in the road. Drivers actually braved on-coming traffic instead of this branch, that blocked the whole east-bound left-hand lane. I thought about going out there and picking it up, but I didn't. Maybe I cost myself some karma there, or something. It doesn't really matter now. But I kind of wish I'd have done it.

I took this picture of a possum. It's probably been laying there for a couple of weeks.

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