Saturday, October 17, 2009

Seriosuly, World. Vampires?

I think it's time to say, what is this obsession with vampires?
I can take a little bit of Bram Stoker, it's a classic, but this is getting a little bit ridiculous.
There's been movies, HBO shows, books galore, and more and more kids wanting to be, of all things, a vampire.

People, this is not healthy. The vampire psyche is all about taking from people, and hurting people, and sometimes turning people into one of them.

To think of it, vampires are reminescent of how a lot of people actually live. Or maybe they live that way from learning from vampires.
I don't know. But something's very wrong about it.

And there's smaller fascinations with other mystical and supernatural beings.
I enjoy a good wizard movie as much as anyone, but why make so much of an obsession?
And werewolves? What is so appealing about a character who has two sides, and can't control when he becomes one or the other?

What is so bad or boring about human?
I was at the movies last night, and I just sat outside with my grande caramel latte for a while, listening to all the high school kids pimp-walking around, and whispering and giggling to each other.
Who started teaching these kids that there was something better then being themselves?
There is no way THAT many natural gangster-wanna-be's walk the streets of our fair world.

Who started dousing the flames of loving life and creativity and beauty, and told them all how to live, and what was important?

Was it my fault, and those my age? Was it the fault of the generation before me?
Somebody must still have the power to change these ways of thinking.
I just have no idea how.

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